American Winds is an FAA approved testing center for all aviation PSI exams.

Whether you’re just gaining altitude with the PSI private pilot exam, leveling up with your instrument rating or looking for info on other FAA written exams, you’ll find what you need right here!

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Who Takes an FAA Knowledge Exam?

All students seeking designated Certificates and Ratings from the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) are required to take an FAA Knowledge Exam. These FAA written exams demonstrate the student’s level of competency in a multitude of aviation subjects, and they vary in allotted time and question length according to FAA guidelines. Scroll down for a list of all FAA PSI exams that American Winds administers, plus fees and more information.

The FAA has delegated its testing services to an outside contractor known as PSI (formerly CATS), which certifies physical testing centers across the country.

Under the guidelines of the FAA, knowledge exams may only be given through certified testing centers, and American Winds is one of those approved testing centers.

How Do I Schedule a PSI Exam?

Although American Winds is an FAA approved testing center for FAA written exams, we cannot directly schedule the exam for you.

You have two options for scheduling your aviation PSI exam:

  • Call the PSI technical support number: 1-844-704-1487
  • Visit the PSI website. You’ll be prompted to create an account with your FAA Tracking Number.

All testing at the American Winds campus is available by appointment only, Mondays through Fridays, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

The American Winds testing center for FAA written exams is closed all Saturdays and Sundays as well as the following holidays:

  • New Year’s Eve & New Year’s Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Thanksgiving Day and the Day After Thanksgiving
  • Christmas Eve and Christmas Day

What Do I Do on the Day of My PSI Exam?

  • Arrive at the American Winds PSI Testing center at least 15 minutes prior to your appointment time. 
  • Bring with you a valid and current ID that includes your photo, date of birth, signature and physical address. The information on your photo ID must match what you have registered with the FAA. The FAA Knowledge Testing Matrix provides complete information about acceptable forms of ID (including for non-U.S. citizens), reference material links and more.
  • Do not bring any personal writing instruments, portable phones, electronic planners or any type of device with text or video recording capabilities. These items are not permitted in the testing room during test administration. Get more details about exam day on the PSI support page.
  • Stay calm and focus on the training you’ve received. You’ve got this! The American Winds staff will provide you with all the materials you need to compete the FAA written exam, including:
    • 2 Pencils
    • 2 Pieces of scratch paper
    • 1 FAA supplement book
    • 1 Plastic overlay (to use in supplement books to prevent students from writing in the book!)
    • 1 Dry-Erase marker
    • 1 Non-Programmable calculator
    • Earplugs
    • Magnifying glass (If requested)

FAA PSI Exams We Administer

Click on any FAA written exam listed here to go directly to the PSI login page where you can find specifics about each test. For questions regarding non-aviation PSI exams, reach out to American Winds about scheduling or contact PSI testing for more info.

Aviation ExamsExam Fee
Private & Recreational Pilot →$150
Sport Pilot →$150
Instrument Rating →$150
Commercial Pilot & Military Competence →$150
Flight & Ground Instructor →$150
ATP Aircraft Dispatcher & Flight Navigator →$150
Flight Engineer →$150
Aviation Maintenance Technician, Airframe, General & Powerplant →$150
Inspection Authorization →$150
Parachute Rigger →$150
Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Drone →$150
Non-Aviation ExamsExam Fee
Chiropractic Exam$50
National Exercise Trainers Association – Group Exercise Instructor$30
National Exercise Trainers Association – Personal Trainer Certification$90
Radiant Panel Association – Designer$90
Radiant Panel Association – Installer$150

FAQs About FAA PSI Exams

How should I prepare for my FAA knowledge exam?

Your training at American Winds is designed to equip you with the knowledge and skills that will be assessed in the FAA Knowledge Exam. To prepare for test day, you should review 14 CFR Part 61 and the FAA Airman Knowledge Testing Matrix. More information on testing standards, exam questions and other resources is available on the FAA FAQ sheet.

If you are unsure about your readiness to take aviation PSI exams, reach out to your CFI or contact American Winds.

What score do I need to pass?

Most FAA PSI exams require a minimum score of 70 to pass.

What happens if I score high enough to pass the FAA written exam?

Celebrate! Achieving a score of 70 or higher means you’ve demonstrated sufficient knowledge of the test topic to continue your flight training. This includes logging flight time until your CFI determines you’re ready to take the practical exam, also known as a check ride, with a Designated Flight Examiner.

How soon can I retake my exam if I don’t pass?

In general, the FAA requires test-takers with failing scores to wait 30 days before retesting. There are exceptions that waive the waiting period for certain exams when written certification of additional instruction is provided. See the specifics in the FAA Airman Knowledge Testing Matrix.

What if I need to reschedule my exam?

You may cancel and reschedule your PSI FAA exam via your account on the PSI website up to two business days before your scheduled appointment without penalty.

How long is the FAA knowledge exam and how many questions does it include?

Time allotted and question lengths vary by exam. The FAA Airman Knowledge Testing Matrix contains complete details on all FAA PSI exams. For the most common FAA written exams administered at American Winds, here’s what you can expect:

  • PSI Private Pilot Exam = 60 Questions / 2 Hours to Complete
  • PSI Commercial Pilot Exam = 100 Questions / 2.5 Hours to Complete
  • PSI Flight Instructor = 25 Questions / 1 Hour to Complete
  • PSI Instrument Rating Airplane = 60 Questions / 2 Hours to Complete
  • PSI Flight Instructor Instrument Airplane Rating = 20 Questions / 1 Hour to Complete

Airline Transport Pilot Multi Engine Airplane = 125 Questions / 3.5 hours to Complete

What is the format of the FAA Knowledge Exam?

All FAA PSI exams are administered in person and in real time at approved testing centers. These are live-proctored computer-based tests, meaning you will enter your answers on a computer screen under the direct supervision of an actual person in the test environment. You will be given pencils, scratch paper, a calculator and other tools to develop your answers.

What is PSI and how is it related to the FAA knowledge exam?

PSI is an internationally recognized organization that develops and compiles in-depth testing for a wide range of industries. The FAA contracted with PSI for its Airman Certificate Testing Services in 2018. PSI is responsible for scheduling, administering and scoring these exams at testing centers across the country, and for ensuring that the testing process is secure, standardized and accessible for all candidates.